Our NameThe name Firebrand International Gospel Missions comes from Zechariah 3:2 " Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?" This confirms the call to rescue those who are heading for the fire and plucking them and bringing them into the Kingdom of God.
INTERNATIONAL: The mandate of Jesus is to preach the gospel to every creature and we are convinced that we are to go where the unsaved people are (Matthew 26:19, Acts 1:8). Firebrand International Gospel Missions (F.I.G.M) is fully committed to seeking, training and releasing laborers into every village, town, city and nations for the work of the Kingdom of God. The harvest truly is ripe and the laborers are ever so few. Nations are opening up for the gospel and Africa has now become a sending continent. Europe, America, Asia etc are now waiting for God's Firebrands from Africa to arise and shine. GOSPEL MISSIONS: we aim at reaching the whole globe with the gospel. Initiating Charismatic word based church planting movements around the world. Our basic building block for church planting must be evangelism, which unfolds into a church that is ingeniously led, culture transforming and reproducing. Our prayerful desire is for churches is for a release of laborers into the field with a heart to see cities and societies changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. |
Our History
In 1991, The founding President of Of Firebrand International Gospel Missions, Apostle John Ebegbuna had a revelation of a blind and dying world. He saw millions of people both Christians and none Christians moving on a road that ends in mandate destruction; and was a mandate by the LORD to call them back to the right way (Matthew 7:13-15, 21-23).
In Isaiah 6:8 The Voice of the LORD cried out, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Like Isaiah, we at Firebrand International Gospel Missions have heard His voice and are responding, "here we are send us." After receiving this mandate/call Apostle John Ebegbuna submitted the vision to the Pastor of the church where he was raised and enrolled in a Bible College. Two years later after being released to go and do the work he moved into the field by faith. Holding evangelistic crusades, preaching in churches, in buses, villages, on the highways and bye ways etc. He meet his wife Rev Stella Ebegbuna a fiery soul winner and church planter in1992 and they got married in 1994 and started using their gifts together. Since then Firebrand International Gospel Missions (A.K.A FIGM) has been trusting their sickle into different nations and continents and now has evangelists and missionaries who are under this umbrella doing exploits for Jesus. |
We stress that the number one motivation in our Christian life is to reach the globe with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Cross cultural missions and Church planting is at the heart of F.I.G.M's ministry. Leaders are discipled trained and sent out. Then a chain reaction begins amongst their own people that reaches across their nation and out to the world. We practice multiplication via discipleship.
Our passion and made includes turning the heart of the people back to God. We hold revival meetings all over the globe.
we seek to minister to the whole person no matter the economic status. Our desire is that the poor experience economic, physical, social and most importantly spiritual transformation.
Our outreach and discipleship training for Women led by Rev Stella Ebegbuna
We hold schools of evangelism, schools of leadership and Pastor's training to build up people who are called into the five fold ministry. Most Firebrand International Gospel Missionaries seek to teach others via life and words.